Architecture as built environment is subjected to the cacophony of local, regional, national, and international operations people pursue every day. Buildings become actors in the interchange of goods, facilitate legislation, and house people of all intentions around the world. Architecture is not an unbiased bystander to these activities. In the context of exchange, Architecture is a vehicle with facilitative agency.
Trafficking is not often perceived as it relates to Architecture. In some cases, our discipline actually liquidates its stake in the construction industry as a way to distance itself from the repercussions of labor abuse and modern slavery. Traffickers of all commodities, both human and non-human, capitalize on this ambivalence of liability, and continue to operate while litigation unfolds. The means and methods of their activity is facilitated by the environments we construct, wittingly or not. For this issue, we encourage contributors to perceive of Trafficking through the lens of Architecture, but more importantly, of Architecture through the lens of Trafficking. In TRAFFICKING + ARCHITECTURE, Issue 003 of the Out Loud Journal, we are investigating the intrinsic connection between Architecture and Trafficking. We are interested in publishing a wide range of work, commentary and criticism, and welcome anyone from any field to contribute original work. Issue 003 will also highlight and discuss winning projects from ARCH OUT LOUD’s Tenancingo Square Mediascape competition. OPEN CALL TO SUBMIT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The deadline for submitting materials is May 31st, 2019. All work is to be submitted digitally by submitting to our online submission form below or by emailing work to [email protected]. The out loud journal is 6” wide by 9” tall. Please contact [email protected] with questions regarding submissions. Initial submissions do not need to meet final draft standards, but please take the following requirements into consideration. GRAPHIC REQUIREMENTS: All vector work must be submitted in .ai, .eps., or .pdf format. Images must be submitted as CMYK .tiff or .jpeg files, at least 300 dpi. Images must be at least 6” wide. TEXT REQUIREMENTS: Written work must include body text of less than 1,000 words. This does not include endnotes, image rights, title and author, etc. All text, (including endnotes, illustration captions or titles, and image credits) must be submitted in .doc format following the Chicago Manual Style, 16th edition. RIGHTS: The author is responsible for procuring rights for all images and must provide accurate credit and caption information for each image. All material accepted to the journal will become property of arch out loud and therefore give arch out loud all rights to publishing material for promotion. Any materials that are published will be given appropriate attributes to authors. arch out loud maintains the right to modify any information in its flies in order to better adapt it to any publishing platforms. SUBMISSION GUIDE: Citations:
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