arch out loud has created a unique program that partners with professors who would like to align their school studios with competitions. Professors can use arch out loud competition briefs in any manner in order to set up their studio. Additionally, studios will be provided with all competition materials which, depending on the competition, could include full 3D and 2D site models and site photography packages. All professors need to do is express their interest and materials will be provided.
STUDIO DISCOUNTIn order to make the competition more affordable for students to participate, arch out loud is offering a registration price of $40 USD for any team that is participating as part of a school studio. Typical pricing ranges from $55 - $95 depending on what time participants register. arch out loud will give the $40 discount at any point before the registration deadline as long as teams have confirmation from a professor. Additionally, schools can purchase the registrations as a bulk order.