Q: Is the BORDERS competition restricted to only students or only professionals?
A: The competition is open to all designers, no matter age, location or experience.
Q: How many team members can be involved in my project?
A: A maximum of four team members is permitted.
Q: Can I change team members after I register?
A: Teams are welcome to add, remove, or swap team members as long as their total members does not exceed 4. Please email [email protected] to update your team.
Q: Where can I find past arch out loud competitions?
A: Visit archoutloud.com/-competitions to view arch out loud competition results.
Q: What is the deadline to register for the BORDERS competition?
A: Competition registry deadline is February 16th 2017 and the project submission deadline is February 17th 2017.
Q: What time do all materials need to be submitted by on February 17th?
A: The deadline for materials to be submitted is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York City).
Q: Can teams share projects on social media in the period between the submission period and the announcement of the winners?
A: Projects may be shared once competition results are final. arch out loud will also publish each submission at this date and will be working with many design platforms to attract publication opportunities.
Q: Does the Arch D board have to be submitted in printed or digital form?
A: The Arch D board is only to be submitted in digital form at archoutloud.com/-submit. The jury will not review any printed boards that are sent
to arch out loud.
Q: Can teams submit multiple design boards, or include more than 100 words in the design summary?
A: Each team may submit only (1) Arch D (24in x 36in or 60cm x 90cm) board, oriented landscape or portrait. A teams design summary must not exceed 100 words, but there is no limit to the amount of text allowed on a teams design board.
Q: Can a company logo be included on a board or text document?
A: Submission materials should not include any company logo or identification, boards may be disqualified if they include any information that identifies the participating team.
Q: Can arch out loud specify what kinds of media the jury is going to use during the evaluation of the projects - computer screen, projector, printouts and/or other?
A: The arch out loud jury will view projects digitally on large projector/TV screens, and printed files as necessary. The selection process will consist of two rounds.
Q: Should submissions use metric or imperial units, if they wish to show dimensions?
A: Either metric or imperial units may be used.
Q: Can you provide coordinates for the site?
A: 37°55'11.3"N 126°41'21.3"E
Please submit any questions you might have regarding the competition, the out loud journal or arch out loud in general to [email protected].
A: The competition is open to all designers, no matter age, location or experience.
Q: How many team members can be involved in my project?
A: A maximum of four team members is permitted.
Q: Can I change team members after I register?
A: Teams are welcome to add, remove, or swap team members as long as their total members does not exceed 4. Please email [email protected] to update your team.
Q: Where can I find past arch out loud competitions?
A: Visit archoutloud.com/-competitions to view arch out loud competition results.
Q: What is the deadline to register for the BORDERS competition?
A: Competition registry deadline is February 16th 2017 and the project submission deadline is February 17th 2017.
Q: What time do all materials need to be submitted by on February 17th?
A: The deadline for materials to be submitted is 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (New York City).
Q: Can teams share projects on social media in the period between the submission period and the announcement of the winners?
A: Projects may be shared once competition results are final. arch out loud will also publish each submission at this date and will be working with many design platforms to attract publication opportunities.
Q: Does the Arch D board have to be submitted in printed or digital form?
A: The Arch D board is only to be submitted in digital form at archoutloud.com/-submit. The jury will not review any printed boards that are sent
to arch out loud.
Q: Can teams submit multiple design boards, or include more than 100 words in the design summary?
A: Each team may submit only (1) Arch D (24in x 36in or 60cm x 90cm) board, oriented landscape or portrait. A teams design summary must not exceed 100 words, but there is no limit to the amount of text allowed on a teams design board.
Q: Can a company logo be included on a board or text document?
A: Submission materials should not include any company logo or identification, boards may be disqualified if they include any information that identifies the participating team.
Q: Can arch out loud specify what kinds of media the jury is going to use during the evaluation of the projects - computer screen, projector, printouts and/or other?
A: The arch out loud jury will view projects digitally on large projector/TV screens, and printed files as necessary. The selection process will consist of two rounds.
Q: Should submissions use metric or imperial units, if they wish to show dimensions?
A: Either metric or imperial units may be used.
Q: Can you provide coordinates for the site?
A: 37°55'11.3"N 126°41'21.3"E
Please submit any questions you might have regarding the competition, the out loud journal or arch out loud in general to [email protected].